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FortiGuard Labs
Threat Intelligence and Research Organization

Threat Intelligence Platform — FortiGuard Labs

FortiGuard Labs is the threat intelligence and research organization at Fortinet. Through network sensors the Labs monitor attack surface to mine the data for new threats.

Visibility + Innovation = Actionable Threat Intelligence

The threat intelligence and research team at Fortinet is comprised of very experienced threat hunters, researchers, analysts, engineers, and data scientists. Consequently, Fortinet security products are armed with the best threat identification and protection information available, including the latest threats, campaigns, bad actors, and trends. This threat research allows our customers to take proactive measures to better secure their organizations.

Fortinet Customer Resources

  • Blogs
  • Threat signals
  • Playbooks
  • Zero-day research
  • Threat intelligence briefs
  • Threat reports

Why FortiGuard Labs

What sets apart the FortiGuard Labs team from others? Three key differentiators: 1) breadth of visibility into the threat landscape, 2) ground-breaking use of innovation, and 3) rapid delivery of actionable threat intelligence to the Fortinet Security Fabric. Some specifics:

  • Telemetry gathered from millions of Fortinet sensors (5.6M+ devices deployed globally) give FortiGuard Labs visibility into the actual real-world threats our customers face and covers threats found in the network, endpoint, IoT devices, in emails, applications, and web threat vectors.
  • The Fortinet Distribution Network is an innovative bi-directional network that both collects telemetry threat data from Fortinet and was also designed to efficiently distribute actionable security protection updates to the Fortinet Security Fabric components deployed in customer networks around the world several times each day.
  • Zero-day research demonstrates the effectiveness of our research and provides proactive analysis and actionable intelligence on discovered vulnerabilities before they become discovered exploits. The 900+ vulnerabilities discovered so far set us apart from of our competitors.
  • Our industry and information-sharing leadership comes out of our early use of AI and the belief that sharing intelligence with other threat intelligence organizations improves protection for customers as well as the effectiveness of the entire cybersecurity industry.


  • Co-founded the Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA) in 2014
  • Co-founder of the World Economic Forum’s Center for Cybersecurity created in 2018
  • Member of the computer incident response organization FIRST since 2012
  • Contributor to the development of STIX/TAXII protocols, as well as the MISP platform. Receives and processes over 200 individual sources of threat intelligence from partners

Independent Third-party Validation

Tests by independent third parties provide a critical and impartial measure of the quality of a product, and a reliable reference for customers making a purchase decision. Fortinet is committed to participation in unbiased credible testing so customers can see how Fortinet solutions compare to other vendors and select the solution that best meets their needs.

FortiGuard Labs Threat Map

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